Welcome to my blog. This is a place where I think out loud, show you what I’m up to in the studio, share impressions of inspiring events or everyday moments that moved me. Some entries are carefully curated essays, others are just a few thoughts, sometimes written in English and sometimes in German.
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Savouring the last dregs of winter
It’s no secret that I’m a big food lover. I’m obsessed with plants, so how could I not be intrigued by the possibilities of growing, harvesting and cooking food plants?
It’s no secret that I’m a big food lover. I’m obsessed with plants, so how could I not be intrigued by the possibilities of growing, harvesting and cooking food plants. But food is more than sustenance - it’s a meal, a feast even, best shared with others.
I know there are thousands of phenomenal cook books and food blogs out there, yet, I itch to try my hand at some recipe illustration that doesn’t just decorate a recipe with images but actually conveys an inherent mood, that sketches an ambiance that reveals the stark difference between a solitary meal on the couch and a shared dinner with many people, interwoven with human stories and emotions and wine and gratitude.
Here’s a Cape brandy tart recipe I made the other night for dessert after serving a hearty Italian bean stew:
It’s winter. I cherish this white and noiseless time between the bustle of our Christmas season and the start of the new year. Since moving to Europe, it’s taken me a few years to learn to fully appreciate winter. Now, I know it’s one of the reasons I wanted to move here in the first place: I needed a real winter, I needed its pause and reflection, its going-underground, its gathering-of-forces, its quiet stripping away of the unnecessairy, its gestation for new creativity to emerge.