Dark Tidal Pool Creature with Black Tourmaline


Enamel | black uncut tourmaline | copper | patinated silver | vintage woven steel chord

Wear this dark enamelled pendant with an uncut, black tourmaline at its centre and a long vintage chain as a talisman.

Textured black enamel with blue accents on copper, backed with hand-sawn patinated silver, black uncut Namibian tourmaline, long vintage woven steel chord.

Hand-sawn, enamelled, constructed.

Dimensions of pendant: Approx. 6,5 cm x 4 cm x 7 cm.
Length of woven steel chord: 88 cm.

No clasp in chord.

Shipping for Tidal Pool Creature I.

Shipping is free in Germany.

If you are ordering from countries other than Germany, please select JEWELLERY + ART from the shipping options on the drop-down menu. Your applicable shipping option is determined by the largest item you are purchasing. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit | D
Titel: Dark Tidal Pool Creature with Black Tourmaline Pendant.
Artikel-Nr.: 2025-N-011
Einzelstück. Halsschmuck.
Herstellerin: Nora Kovats.
Im Atelier Nonne 11 in liebevoller Einzelanfertigung handgefertigt.
Nicht für Kleinkinder geeignet.
Postadresse: Nonnenbrücke 11, 96047, Bamberg, Germany.
Kontakt: info[at]norakovats.com

Product Safety Information | E
Title: Dark Tidal Pool Creature with Black Tourmaline Pendant.
Product no.: 2025-N-011
One-of-a-kind neckpiece.
Hand-crafted by Nora Kovats in Bamberg, Germany.
Not suitable for small children.
Postal address: Nonnenbrücke 11, 96047, Bamberg, Germany.
Contact: info[at]norakovats.com

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Enamel | black uncut tourmaline | copper | patinated silver | vintage woven steel chord

Wear this dark enamelled pendant with an uncut, black tourmaline at its centre and a long vintage chain as a talisman.

Textured black enamel with blue accents on copper, backed with hand-sawn patinated silver, black uncut Namibian tourmaline, long vintage woven steel chord.

Hand-sawn, enamelled, constructed.

Dimensions of pendant: Approx. 6,5 cm x 4 cm x 7 cm.
Length of woven steel chord: 88 cm.

No clasp in chord.

Shipping for Tidal Pool Creature I.

Shipping is free in Germany.

If you are ordering from countries other than Germany, please select JEWELLERY + ART from the shipping options on the drop-down menu. Your applicable shipping option is determined by the largest item you are purchasing. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit | D
Titel: Dark Tidal Pool Creature with Black Tourmaline Pendant.
Artikel-Nr.: 2025-N-011
Einzelstück. Halsschmuck.
Herstellerin: Nora Kovats.
Im Atelier Nonne 11 in liebevoller Einzelanfertigung handgefertigt.
Nicht für Kleinkinder geeignet.
Postadresse: Nonnenbrücke 11, 96047, Bamberg, Germany.
Kontakt: info[at]norakovats.com

Product Safety Information | E
Title: Dark Tidal Pool Creature with Black Tourmaline Pendant.
Product no.: 2025-N-011
One-of-a-kind neckpiece.
Hand-crafted by Nora Kovats in Bamberg, Germany.
Not suitable for small children.
Postal address: Nonnenbrücke 11, 96047, Bamberg, Germany.
Contact: info[at]norakovats.com

Enamel | black uncut tourmaline | copper | patinated silver | vintage woven steel chord

Wear this dark enamelled pendant with an uncut, black tourmaline at its centre and a long vintage chain as a talisman.

Textured black enamel with blue accents on copper, backed with hand-sawn patinated silver, black uncut Namibian tourmaline, long vintage woven steel chord.

Hand-sawn, enamelled, constructed.

Dimensions of pendant: Approx. 6,5 cm x 4 cm x 7 cm.
Length of woven steel chord: 88 cm.

No clasp in chord.

Shipping for Tidal Pool Creature I.

Shipping is free in Germany.

If you are ordering from countries other than Germany, please select JEWELLERY + ART from the shipping options on the drop-down menu. Your applicable shipping option is determined by the largest item you are purchasing. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit | D
Titel: Dark Tidal Pool Creature with Black Tourmaline Pendant.
Artikel-Nr.: 2025-N-011
Einzelstück. Halsschmuck.
Herstellerin: Nora Kovats.
Im Atelier Nonne 11 in liebevoller Einzelanfertigung handgefertigt.
Nicht für Kleinkinder geeignet.
Postadresse: Nonnenbrücke 11, 96047, Bamberg, Germany.
Kontakt: info[at]norakovats.com

Product Safety Information | E
Title: Dark Tidal Pool Creature with Black Tourmaline Pendant.
Product no.: 2025-N-011
One-of-a-kind neckpiece.
Hand-crafted by Nora Kovats in Bamberg, Germany.
Not suitable for small children.
Postal address: Nonnenbrücke 11, 96047, Bamberg, Germany.
Contact: info[at]norakovats.com

Thoughts about tidal pools:

Kneeling at the edge of a tidal pool, I find myself drawn to its otherworldliness: Strange and intriguing precisely because it is just out of reach; a foreign environment to touch and observe but never belong. I find myself reaching for memories from a time when I lost myself in otherworlds more frequently, a time when recollections, experiences and wishful thinking merged. When the poetry of an idea, of a story, was more powerful than its claim to reality. To a time when paradise had not yet been driven from the face of the earth, but was still believed to be lingering somewhere on the fringes of the map, beyond this ocean or that mountain range.

The group of imaginary creatures in this collection has emerged from a fantastical microcosm where life has co-evolved in mysterious and fascinating ways, and where our constructed categories, our notions of entities with neat boundaries, are questioned. This is a merging of worlds, a botanical-animal-fungi-underwater hybrid tapestry of life, whose creatures are messengers weighed with distant memories of wonderment.

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